Tickets Now on Sale for the Centenary Ball at Blair Castle!
As part of the HPS Centenary celebrations, we are delighted that the Highland Pony Society will be holding an extra special Ball in the Ballroom at Blair Castle on Saturday 18 November 2023 from 7.00pm to 12.30hrs. There are only 200 places available so it would be advisable to buy your tickets early. The cost is just £55 per ticket - a real bargain! Payments can be made through the HPS shop or by BACS to the HPS: RBS Sortcode: 83 47 00 and HPS Acct No: 00177837 (reference 'surname, postcode and Ball') Accommodation Options are given here: athollglens.com (this has all local Blair/Pitlochry/Struan B&B's, Guest Houses, Hotels etc…