HPS Celebrations at Horse of the Year Show 2023

The Highland Pony Society are indebted to Horse of the Year Show for their support in our Centenary Year.

We were given time in the Andrew Bowen arena, on the final day of the show, to put on a display to showcase our breed. A massive thanks to all who were involved in putting on this superb display.

Display Team:
Introduction: Sylvia Ormiston MVO
Working Pony:
Whitefield Prince Valiant & Kate Hawes
Driving Ponies:
Redliffe Millicent & Richard Hardy and Kristine Johnson
Staffin Peigi of Castle Green & Christine Bassett
In-hand Ponies:
Lochlands Gypsy Baron & Tracey Ashworth
Dunstaffanage Maw Broon & Russell Mackechnie-Guire
And foal, Dunstaffanage the Loon Broon & Erik Mckechnie-Guire
Kincardine Nightingael & Daniel Maggs
Ridden Ponies:
Glenmuir Mountain Ash & Eleanor Lyttle
Highland Chief of Talisker & Amber Thorpe
Kirtonian Loch Birnie & Liz Twite
Holmedown Winconsin & Jessica Talbot
Piper: Finland Greenlees
Tenor Drum: Mia Goodge
Snare Drum: Bertie MacFarlane
Choreography: Erik Mackechnie-Guire
Music: Chrissy Pritchard
Co-ordinator: Debbie Spears

HOYS allowed the Highland Pony to be part of the 2023 Finale – we were so proud to see our breed feature!

Our Immediate Past President, Sylvia Ormiston MVO, was honoured to be invited to recite “Ode to the Horse”.

Thank you to ClipMyHorseTV for allowing us to share footage of the Finale.

Horse of the Year Show Finale 2023 courtesy of ClipMyHorseTV