Issue of Passports for previously Registered Highland Ponies
Government legislation requires that every pony must have a passport. Trading Standards Officers now attend shows to check on passports so you should always take your passport when you travel with your pony.
Passports can be issued for previously registered Highland ponies at a charge of £20. It is essential that the reverse of the application form is completed accurately and fully as it is directly reproduced to form the centre pages of the passport. Please use black ink and write in block capitals. If your pony requires a duplicate passport, it will be necessary for them to be microchipped.
When making the application, it is important that you include:
- The pony’s buff coloured registration certificate
- The fee of £20 per passport
- The fully completed application form including the outline diagram and narrative describing the whorls etc signed by a breeder, listed Highland Pony Society judge, current Council member or veterinary surgeon.**
Passport Application Forms
Guidance and Information from the Government
All ponies applying for passports must be microchipped and the number recorded on the reverse of the application form where indicated.
** Alternatively, if an Equine Vaccination identification card has been completed previously for your pony by a Veterinary Surgeon, you may carefully copy the information given onto the passport application form and sign as the Inspector. In this case, please enclose a photocopy of the identification drawing from the vaccination card.
Ponies of ‘Highland Type’ for which registration is not applicable
Passports can also be issued for any ponies of ‘ Highland type’. This facility is open to non-members of the Society. These will not be recorded on the Stud Book but a list is kept in the Highland Pony Society office for future reference.
Applications should include:
- The fee of £20 per passport
- The fully completed application form as above
- Applications for passports submitted by children under the age of 16 should be countersigned by an adult.
These papers should be sent to The Highland Pony Society Secretary.
It is important that each pony has only one passport. For part bred ponies, passports from other Breed Societies may be over-stamped by the Highland Pony Society at no charge.
Information from the Scottish Government website may be helpful: