When you send in paperwork such as Registration Certificate, passport and Transfer of Ownership form, it is helpful to enclose an appropriate cheque payable to the Highland Pony Society.
Alternatively you can pay by PayPal direct to the Society’s account making sure you note what the payment relates to.
You can also make a direct payment into the Society’s Account –
Sort code: 83 47 00 Account number: 00177837
Please make sure you record to what the payment relates.
All competing Highland pony stallions in affiliated shows (In Hand, Ridden, WHP etc) aged 4yrs and over must be licensed with the Highland Pony Society.
No, you need to go to the Society of the breed which your pony is or if it is of no specific breed go to a commercial passport issuing authority to simply have a passport made.
All competing Highland pony stallions in affiliated shows (ridden and in hand) aged 4yrs and over must be licensed with the HPS. Full information about licensing colts is given here:
Any complaints should be made in writing by post or email in the first instance to the Highland Pony Society Secretary.
- You will receive written acknowledgement by post or email by return.
- You will receive written confirmation by post or email within 15 days advising you how the complaint will be dealt with.
- You will receive written confirmation of the outcome and this shall include the procedure to appeal that outcome.
Simply follow this link for information if you are exporting a pony to an EU country: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/export-horses-and-ponies-special-rules#exporting-or-moving-equines-from-great-britain-to-the-eu-or-northern-ireland.
The pony must stay in the same premises for 30 days before export and that area must have a County Parish Holding number.
The Spring/Summer Members’ Newsletter gives information on all shows affiliated to the Society.
Information on other shows can be found through local knowledge and equestrian magazines.
Please see the Membership Page : https://www.highlandponysociety.com/hps/members/membership/
When passport numbering was introduced, there was no requirement for retrospective numbering, so for older ponies, simply quote the Stud Book number in your entry.
If you would like a Universal Equine Life Number for your pony, please phone or email the Secretary and one will be allocated right way.
No, the Society can only make passports for registered Highland ponies and part-breds and also ponies which you declare are of ‘Highland Type’
All Highland ponies are issued with a Registration Certificate and passport at registration. It is not possible to transfer ownership without both documents. You should make every effort to ensure that you receive a Registration Certificate along with the passport from the Seller.
If the Registration Certificate is lost, an application has to be made to the Council of the Society who will investigate the circumstances thoroughly. If approval for the issue of duplicate papers is given, there is a fee of £50 (members' rate) and £100 (non members' rate).
Please inform the Society of your new address in order that the database can be updated. It is difficult to change breeder records on laminated pages of passports and, in this case, simply put a note in the back pocket of your ponies’ passports noting both your former and current address, the date of the change and then sign it
If the original HPS passport was made after 1997, there should be no requirement to complete a further outline diagram as the Society will have the original application.
Your pony will however require to be microchipped in order for a duplicate passport to be prepared.
There is no requirement to have him micro-chipped if he was identified for his previous passport.
With effect from October 2020 for ponies kept in England and March 2021 for those in Scotland, it will be a legal requirement for them to be microchipped. This will affect ponies registered before 2009. Microchips will be supplied and inserted by your vet who will apply the barcode to the relevant area on the passport then sign and stamp adjacent to it.
Please email the Society informing them of the microchip number. The pony's record will be updated and the Central Equine Database informed by the Society. There is no need to send the passport to the Society.
The Society contributes data to 'Chipchecker' to assist enforcement agencies and welfare organisation in tracing equines. Microchip numbers can be checked on this link:
Microchips will be supplied and inserted by your vet who will apply the barcode to the relevant area on the passport then sign and stamp adjacent to it.
Please email the Society informing them of the microchip number, preferably attaching a photograph of the relevant page. The pony's record will be updated as will the Scottish and Central Equine Database and the National Chipchecker. There is no need to send the passport to the Society.
As long as you have registered the Transfer of Ownership with the Highland Pony Society, there is no need for you to inform any microchip providers. When the transfer is registered, the Society updates the National Equine Database and consequently the National Chipchecker.
You need to go to the original passport issuing authority and have that passport ‘rescinded’. They will then send any marked papers to the Society for inclusion in the new HPS passport. You need to complete a passport application form and send it to the Society with a £20 payment.
You should sign Section 2 part 2 to indicate that the pony described in the passport is not intended for slaughter for human consumption. Under EU law, you are then required to inform the Society (by email or phone) within 14 days of signing this section.
It is a legal requirement to return the papers to the Society within 30 days of the death. See item 14 (3) on this link: www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2009/231/regulation/14/made.
If a longer time has elapsed, please send them to the Society. There will be no penalty for late submissions.
If you wish the papers to be returned to you, please enclose five 2nd class stamps.
Judges should not accept judging appointments and exhibit their ponies at the same show.