The Highland Pony Society Centenary Conference

The Society were delighted to host the Centenary Conference on Tuesday 4th July at Strathallan Castle.

For those who missed it or want to revisit any of the presentations, the links are below:


Professor Tim Morris FRCVS, RBST

100 Years of the Highland Pony Society and 50 years of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust: what have we learnt and what’s for the future?

Presentation Link:


Andrew McDiarmid FRCVS of Clyde Veterinary Group

discusses common conditions affecting Highland Ponies from a veterinary perspective

Presentation Link:

Conference Recording Link:


Pam Humphreys, Stallion AI Services

Advances in Equine Reproductive Technology - Breeding for a Stronger Future: a brief history of AI, technologies used and what can we expect next?

Presentation Link:

Conference Recording Link:


Dr Andy Dell, Nottingham Trent University

SPARKS flying - Managing rare breeds for a sustainable future: problems associated with a closed studbook, genetic diversity, managing inbreeding and success of long term schemes.

Presentation Link:

Conference Recording Link:


Dr Caroline Rutter

Queen Victoria, her horse whisperer, the PM's brother and the Professor: the origins of the Registered Highland Pony.

Presentation Link:


Juliet Rogers, Moorland Mousie Trust

Conservation grazing with native ponies.

Presentation Link: