Tam o’ Shanter comes to the Highland Show!
HPS Members! We need your help!
Highland Pony Society Centenary Celebrations 2023
As many of you will have heard, 2023 is the Centenary of the Highland Pony Society. We are planning on celebrating this in a variety of ways north and south of the border. One of the activities will be a display at the Royal Highland Show in June and possibly other shows.
To make this a success and hopefully an event that will go down in Highland pony history, we need help from members, both with ponies and on the ground.
The display follows the story of Tam o’ Shanter – the well -known poem by Robert Burns. It will start with a market and pub scene and follows Tam’s journey home where he encounters the devil and witches partying in the churchyard, to the chase where his grey mare, Meg’s tail is pulled off then his return home to an irate wife.
The display is being choreographed and organised by Erik MacKechnie-Guire with the help of a committee, however we need participants to come forward now.
Musical Ride
One part of the display will be a musical ride denoting the witches dancing. For this, we need 6 – 8 ponies and riders.
The ponies and riders will have to be of an Open Class standard and ponies would need to be comfortable working in a large crowded ring with noise and bustle. (It has been suggested they should be of Novice Standard in Dressage and should have competed in large shows such as the RHS).
Riders must be committed to attending a number of training events with their ponies for this part of the display. It is envisioned that these will be held in the Central Scotland area from around Easter. Details have yet to be confirmed but it is hoped to be able to give financial help towards travelling.
Other Ponies
We hope to be able to involve others in the market scene, including one or two ponies and carts.
On the Ground
We would like as many members to take part in this as possible and there is virtually no limit to the number we would like to encourage. These people will be dressed appropriately and will take part in the market and witch’s scenes. They will also help with moving lightweight props where needed.
Other help required
We also need help with making the props and making/sourcing costumes etc. If you would like to take part in this amazing fun event, which will go down in Highland pony history, please email