
The Highland Pony 2020 Project Book


This treasure of a book is brimming with photographs and tales of Highland ponies written by members of the Highland Pony Society who really know each one of them!

It was compiled by Alison Payne who worked tirelessly to produce the quality, full colour book in record time. She was subsequently nominated for the much-respected National Equine Forum’s Sir Colin Spedding Award, which highlights exceptional work in the equine world. The Society was delighted to hear that Alison was recognised and will receive a Highland Commended Award.

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The challenge… to create a book of Highland pony stories during the Lockdown associated with the international Covid-19 pandemic.
The reality…… three hundred and nine individual ponies featured by Highland Pony Society members on three continents (Europe, North America and Australasia) as well as a wide distribution across the whole of mainland Britain, Ireland and the smaller British Isles, from the Shetlands and Orkneys in the north, the Hebrides in the northwest, to the Isle of Man.
Not only is this the versatile breed but also a very popular breed!

Additional information

Weight 838 g
2020 Project Book

To UK, To Europe, To Rest of the World