Free Smart Card for Your Pony!
For those resident in Scotland, you can now apply for a ScotEquine card which is acceptable instead of a horse passport for many day-to-day purposes. It starts with user registration on scotequine.com?signup You then “Connect” with each equine using its UELN, upload a photo of the passport page to prove you hold the passport, then a good photo of the animal itself. This is a free service!
Virtual Show Awards
Congratulations to all who entered the Virtual Highland Pony Show! This marvellous array of awards will be sent out in the first week of September to the prize winners by Shirley Clarke.
Virtual Show Results Revealed!
– with very special videos prepared by Jo Brew! We are bringing you the results of the Virtual Show as they are available starting with – Female Youngstock, WHP and Working Harness classes: https://youtu.be/_R9nUhPRvqA Adult Males In Hand, Young Handlers and Veterans: https://youtu.be/71sF3kA5HOU Male Youngstock and Ridden Classes: https://youtu.be/fXV7smFwSbo In Hand female and Driving Classes: https://youtu.be/VwWjne42RuQ The full results are given below as they are available!