Location: Drymen Show Field, Endrick Bridge, Drymen, Stirlingshire G63 0HX
Secretary: David Steel
Tel: 07796 867100
Website: www.drymenshow.com
Judge: Miss Louise Cushnie
- HPS Youngstock Qualifier for registered Highland foals, yearlings, 2yr olds and 3yr olds
- A wide range of top class judging of some of the finest livestock including: Clydesdale Horses, Highland Ponies, Light Horses, Cattle and Sheep.
- Entertainment and educational attractions representing the best of our local farming and rural communities.
- Numerous other attractions also including a fun fair, trade stands, main ring attractions and pet and craft tents.
- Classes and competitions in our rural and school tents, including our very own "Drymen Show Bake Off".