Home EventsVirtual Evening Presentation – A Fresh Approach to Grass Sickness Research
Virtual Evening Presentation – A Fresh Approach to Grass Sickness Research
A Fresh Approach to Grass Sickness Research featuring Dr Beth Wells, Principal Researcher, Moredun Research Institute, Pentlands Science Park, Midlothian and Anne Logan MRCVS, a veterinary surgeon who has vast experience both with Highland ponies and the treatment of EGS.
In Beth's role as Knowledge Exchange Specialist and Principal Research Scientist at the Moredun Research Institute, she leads a Fellowship project to take a fresh look at the causes and risk factors associated with Equine Grass Sickness, a devastating disease of equines. Her background is in livestock farming and veterinary diagnostics with biological and environmental science so she has a very strong base of knowledge and experience to drive the research forward in productive ways. Anne is currently the Chair of The Moredun Foundation Equine Grass Sickness Committee.
It is expected that the talk from this team will be very illuminating and there will be ample chance for those attending to ask questions for the mutal benefit of all present.