HPS Year Book Adverts!
Don't miss the oppportunity of advertising or recording a Gallery Entry in the HPS Year Book. The cost of a Gallery Entry is just £15 and a full page advert for members is £60 or a double page spread for £100. The deadline for adverts is 11 December 2021 - not 1st December as shown on the form! Completed Booking Forms, followed by photographs and wording for the advert, should be sent to .
Publication ‘Opt In’ for Highland Pony Members
An A5 flier was recently sent to members with the Newsletter giving them the opportunity to opt in to having their address published in the Society's Stud Book. It is understood that some have lost theirs. Here is an downloadable form. Data Protection and Highland Pony Society Publications 2021 Data Protection Legislation dictates that members must Opt In to this disclosure rather than opt out! It will be perfectly in order for you to email the Society () if you wish to opt in.
Highland Pony Videos Available for All
The Council of the Society is running a series of informative videos on a range of topics including breeding, pony care and nutrition, veterinary matters, showing, versatility and lots more. These will be augmented with further videos to help inform and educate all those involved in Highland ponies. The first of these videos presented by Sylvia Ormiston can be watched on this website now. https://www.highlandponysociety.com/hps/general/information-videos/