Location: The Showfield, The Haughs, Queens Road, Turriff AB535 4EF
Secretary: Gail Greig
Tel: 01888 562219
Website: www.turriffshow.org
Judge: Jane McNaught
Turriff Show is the largest two day show in Scotland.
It is a very popular diary date for a wide range of exhibitors of livestock, vintage vehicles, dogs, calves, and a host of industrial classes - such as home grown vegetables, crafts and home baking.
In total we have 1,554 exhibition classes, award over 300 trophies and £88,000 in prize money.
There are 10 classes for Highland Ponies and a Registered Mountain and Moorland Mixed Height Working Hunter Pony class. These include Qualifiers for the following:
. Highland Pony Youngstock Championship
. NPS Scotland/Townhead Pet N Pony in-Hand Mountain & Moorland Championship